9 datasets found

Formats: XML Organizations: Τμήμα Δημόσιων Έργων

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  • ITS Equipment

    Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Equipment devices installed on the road network. The following devices are included: Bluetooth, CCTV, Pedestrian Crossings, Traffic Detectors, Traffic Enforcement Cameras, Traffic Signals, Variable Message Signs (VMS) and Weigh in Motion (WIM).
  • Bicycle Infrastructure

    Location of bicycle infrastructure across Cyprus, including bicycle racks and rental bike stations.
  • Public Transport Infrastructure

    Location of public transport infrastructure all over Cyprus, including Bus Stops locations, Bus Stations and Park and Ride areas.
  • Transport Networks

    The transport networks of Cyprus. This dataset includes information about the Bus Lanes, Bus Routes, Cycleways and the Road Network under the Public Works Department administration.
  • Road Infrastructure

    The Road Infrastructure of Cyprus. The dataset includes information about Bridges, Entrance Points on Low Emission Zones (LEM), Low Emission Zones, Overhead Traffic Signs, Parking Areas, Road Network Exits, 100m Gradients and 1km Intervals based on the Road Network under Public Works Department administration, Emergency Openings, Speed Limits, Tunnels, Weight Stations.
  • Bluetooth

    Equipment of smart bluetooth devices installed on the road network.
  • Road network attributes changes - TN-ITS

    The purpose of this data set is to publish data about changes in road attributes, with an emphasis on static data such as speed limits. The data are published in a standardized form based on the TN-ITS CEN TS 17268 is a Technical Specification which is maintained by the European Standardization Organisation CEN, under their Technical Committee 278, Road Transport and Traffic Telematics.
  • Traffic Detection Units

    Equipment of smart devices Urban Traffic Counter Loop installed on the road network.
  • Variable Message Signs (VMS) - Boards

    Variable Message Signs installed on the road network.